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Welcome to Rogers Law Practice PLLC 

​At Rogers Law Practice PLLC, you can trust your lawyer to help you navigate difficult situations pragmatically and professionally, giving you peace of mind.

With comprehensive counseling and personalized legal services, you’ll unearth renewed confidence and discover powerful legal tactics.

​To contact the attorney please complete a contact form today and the firm will reach out to you if it is taking on new clients.

Contact Form

Please complete the form below to be contacted by Rogers Law Practice.

Submitting this form does not establish an attorney-client relationship, so avoid sending confidential information until that relationship is confirmed.

Does anyone besides you have access to your email account?

Subject Matter

Check all boxes you believe apply to your circumstance. If none apply, hit "submit".

Does this matter involve wills or estate planning?
Does this matter involve a business that you own or manager?
Does this matter involve an ongoing litigation/lawsuit?
Has an employer harmed you in some way?
Are you looking for assistance to negotiate a contract?
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